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T1 tax calculations
433 Instalments and deductions at source

Print this pageForward this document  Incorrect Quebec instalment estimates for 2006 and 2007

Program(s) affected: T1 Document created: March 20, 2006
Tax year(s): 2005 Document last modified: March 29, 2006
Version(s): 9.20 Problem status: Pending

Why is DT Max not calculating my client's Quebec instalment estimates properly?

This problem affects clients who in 2004 had amounts on any of the following lines of the Quebec instalments worksheet:

  • L26 - Contributions to the QPP required on income from self-employment (line 445)
  • L27 - Contribution to the Health Services Fund (line 446)
  • L28 - Premium payable for the Quebec prescription drug insurance plan (line 447)

DT Max should carry forward the amount from L30 in the keyword group Income-Hist for 2004 under the keyword Net-Tax-Owed for Quebec ([Alt+J]). Instead, it carries forward the amount from L25.

As a workaround, in 2005, in the keyword group Income-Hist for year 2004, replace the amount under Net-Tax-Owed for Quebec ([Alt+J]) with the amount obtained by performing the following calculation:

Amount under keyword Tax-Payable for Quebec ([Alt+J])


Amount under keyword Tax-Deducted for Quebec ([Alt+J])